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Homologene family: 9501 RTF2

Consensus name: RTF2
Show in Homologene Search interactions for this family


Entrez ID Symbol Ensembl ID Locus tag Organism
34477 CG6443 Dmel_CG6443 Drosophila melanogaster
51507 C20orf43 AD-007 Homo sapiens
66404 2410001C21Rik RP23-228E2.5 Mus musculus
173206 C01A2.5 CELE_C01A2.5 Caenorhabditis elegans
296410 RGD1311072 Rattus norvegicus
326100 zgc:55448 Danio rerio
419329 C20H20orf43 RCJMB04_16p11 Gallus gallus
458351 LOC458351 Pan troglodytes
513536 C13H20orf43 BOS_13383 Bos taurus
610221 C24H20orf43 Canis lupus familiaris
697672 C10H20orf43 Macaca mulatta
835914 AT5G58020 Arabidopsis thaliana
1269076 AgaP_AGAP012690 Anopheles gambiae str. PEST
1279596 AgaP_AGAP010176 Anopheles gambiae str. PEST
2542468 rtf2 SPAC1D4.09c Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h-
2676117 MGG_05603 Magnaporthe oryzae 70-15
3876684 NCU05607 Neurospora crassa OR74A
4340324 Os06g0183900 Oryza sativa Japonica Group
All interactions mentioned for the specific gene symbol in text. The results are not restricted to any specific organism.
All interactions for genes that have these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results are restricted to specific organisms and synonyms are taken into account.
All interactions for families that contain genes with these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results group interologs and regulogs together, and synonyms are taken into account for each gene in the gene family.
All interactions mentioned between these specific gene symbols in text. The results are not restricted to any specific organism.
All interactions between genes that have these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results are restricted to specific organisms and synonyms are taken into account.
All interactions between families that contain genes with these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results group interologs and regulogs together, and synonyms are taken into account for each gene in the gene family.
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