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Ensembl family: 7230 p10

Consensus name: p10
Search interactions for this family


Entrez ID Symbol Ensembl ID Locus tag Organism
51010 EXOSC3 CGI-102 Homo sapiens
66362 Exosc3 RP23-76I24.4 Mus musculus
319033 Rrp40 Dmel_CG31938 Drosophila melanogaster
413313 Rrp40 Apis mellifera
465105 EXOSC3 Pan troglodytes
481616 EXOSC3 Canis lupus familiaris
533245 EXOSC3 BOS_8975 Bos taurus
565000 exosc3 Danio rerio
575819 LOC575819 Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
659032 LOC659032 TcasGA2_TC005405 Tribolium castaneum
716347 EXOSC3 Macaca mulatta
734370 exosc3 Xenopus laevis
1279671 AgaP_AGAP010247 Anopheles gambiae str. PEST
4817508 Dpse\GA16580 Dpse_GA16580 Drosophila pseudoobscura pseudoobscura
5507517 NEMVEDRAFT_v1g120763 Nematostella vectensis
5564529 AaeL_AAEL014498 Aedes aegypti
5577209 AaeL_AAEL013103 Aedes aegypti
6050521 CpipJ_CPIJ016579 Culex quinquefasciatus
6496834 Dana\GF14006 Dana_GF14006 Drosophila ananassae
6526446 Dyak\GE17692 Dyak_GE17692 Drosophila yakuba
6541168 Dere\GG24804 Dere_GG24804 Drosophila erecta
6570242 Dgri\GH25200 Dgri_GH25200 Drosophila grimshawi
6576238 Dmoj\GI17269 Dmoj_GI17269 Drosophila mojavensis
6589818 Dper\GL19652 Dper_GL19652 Drosophila persimilis
6617400 Dsec\GM16829 Dsec_GM16829 Drosophila sechellia
6627440 Dvir\GJ22758 Dvir_GJ22758 Drosophila virilis
6646682 Dwil\GK20196 Dwil_GK20196 Drosophila willistoni
6651837 Dwil\GK18349 Dwil_GK18349 Drosophila willistoni
6730595 Dsim\GD23107 Dsim_GD23107 Drosophila simulans
7235640 BRAFLDRAFT_123025 Branchiostoma floridae
8230609 Phum_PHUM438090 Pediculus humanus corporis
100018999 LOC100018999 Monodelphis domestica
100055153 LOC100055153 Equus caballus
100152421 EXOSC3 Sus scrofa
100301502 Rrp40 Bombyx mori
100341140 LOC100341140 Oryctolagus cuniculus
100394070 EXOSC3 Callithrix jacchus
100453226 EXOSC3 Pongo abelii
100473928 LOC100473928 PANDA_002935 Ailuropoda melanoleuca
100575257 ACYPI56194 Acyrthosiphon pisum
100580602 LOC100580602 Nomascus leucogenys
100675740 LOC100675740 Loxodonta africana
All interactions mentioned for the specific gene symbol in text. The results are not restricted to any specific organism.
All interactions for genes that have these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results are restricted to specific organisms and synonyms are taken into account.
All interactions for families that contain genes with these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results group interologs and regulogs together, and synonyms are taken into account for each gene in the gene family.
All interactions mentioned between these specific gene symbols in text. The results are not restricted to any specific organism.
All interactions between genes that have these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results are restricted to specific organisms and synonyms are taken into account.
All interactions between families that contain genes with these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results group interologs and regulogs together, and synonyms are taken into account for each gene in the gene family.
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