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Ensembl family: 6233 Cys2

Consensus name: Cys2
Search interactions for this family


Entrez ID Symbol Ensembl ID Locus tag Organism
2539905 cys2 SPBC106.17c Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h-
2868684 AN8565.2 Aspergillus nidulans FGSC A4
2895427 KLLA0F21560g Kluyveromyces lactis NRRL Y-1140
2900199 DEHA2C02882g Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767
2909585 YALI0C24233g Yarrowia lipolytica CLIB122
3257782 CNE02740 Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans JEC21
3511589 AFUA_5G08600 Aspergillus fumigatus Af293
3634203 UM06047.1 Ustilago maydis 521
3645311 CYS1 CaO19.8751 Candida albicans SC5314
3880237 NCU00536 Neurospora crassa OR74A
4321498 ATEG_05782 Aspergillus terreus NIH2624
4390578 CHGG_06153 Chaetomium globosum CBS 148.51
4586282 NFIA_078680 Neosartorya fischeri NRRL 181
4620953 AGOS_AEL098W Ashbya gossypii ATCC 10895
4706509 ACLA_011930 Aspergillus clavatus NRRL 1
4837883 MET23 PICST_30795 Scheffersomyces stipitis CBS 6054
4936286 CNBE2760 Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans B-3501A
5123937 PGUG_05840 Meyerozyma guilliermondii ATCC 6260
5229515 Magnaporthe oryzae 70-15
5232588 LELG_03496 Lodderomyces elongisporus NRRL YB-4239
5432521 BC1G_09615 Botryotinia fuckeliana B05.10
5451105 HCAG_00712 Ajellomyces capsulatus NAm1
5491539 SS1G_03306 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 1980 UF-70
5853229 MGL_3917 Malassezia globosa CBS 7966
5888390 MONBRDRAFT_23216 Monosiga brevicollis MX1
5980005 SNOG_12876 Phaeosphaeria nodorum SN15
5996212 AOR_1_364094 Aspergillus oryzae RIB40
6013600 CC1G_00181 Coprinopsis cinerea okayama7#130
6072081 LACBIDRAFT_182837 Laccaria bicolor S238N-H82
6191186 PODANSg4040 Podospora anserina S mat+
6347686 PTRG_09396 Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Pt-1C-BFP
7025115 PMAA_079840 Penicillium marneffei ATCC 18224
7052568 SJAG_04305 Schizosaccharomyces japonicus yFS275
7220815 BRAFLDRAFT_118262 Branchiostoma floridae
7918326 AFLA_091930 Aspergillus flavus NRRL3357
7931663 MPER_14034 Moniliophthora perniciosa FA553
8045280 CD36_10900 Candida dubliniensis CD36
8109192 TSTA_114300 Talaromyces stipitatus ATCC 10500
8199071 PAS_chr2-1_0383 Komagataella pastoris GS115
8201606 ZYRO0A06820g Zygosaccharomyces rouxii CBS 732
8291758 KLTH0E02948g Lachancea thermotolerans CBS 6340
8298011 CTRG_03485 Candida tropicalis MYA-3404
8305210 Pc22g16570 Penicillium chrysogenum Wisconsin 54-1255
8439564 UREG_03701 Uncinocarpus reesii 1704
8494727 CLUG_05907 Clavispora lusitaniae ATCC 42720
8507213 BDBG_01148 Ajellomyces dermatitidis SLH14081
9097290 PAAG_04052 Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Pb01
9186287 GSTUM_00004828001 Tuber melanosporum Mel28
9222938 MCYG_01616 Arthroderma otae CBS 113480
9527184 ARB_06642 Arthroderma benhamiae CBS 112371
9533867 VDBG_02204 Verticillium albo-atrum VaMs.102
9583462 TRV_02426 Trichophyton verrucosum HKI 0517
9588243 SCHCODRAFT_80427 Schizophyllum commune H4-8
9668433 NECHADRAFT_41345 Nectria haematococca mpVI 77-13-4
9695496 CPC735_031920 Coccidioides posadasii C735 delta SOWgp
10029573 MGYG_04459 Arthroderma gypseum CBS 118893
10190542 CGB_E3520W Cryptococcus gattii WM276
10371196 TERG_07872 Trichophyton rubrum CBS 118892
10522773 PTT_08987 Pyrenophora teres f. teres 0-1
10532348 PGTG_09375 Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici CRL 75-36-700-3
10810033 SMAC_01230 Sordaria macrospora k-hell
11469806 Ecym_7466 Eremothecium cymbalariae DBVPG#7215
11503881 TDEL0E02370 TDEL_0E02370 Torulaspora delbrueckii
11508381 MYCTH_99838 Myceliophthora thermophila ATCC 42464
11517265 THITE_37833 Thielavia terrestris NRRL 8126
All interactions mentioned for the specific gene symbol in text. The results are not restricted to any specific organism.
All interactions for genes that have these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results are restricted to specific organisms and synonyms are taken into account.
All interactions for families that contain genes with these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results group interologs and regulogs together, and synonyms are taken into account for each gene in the gene family.
All interactions mentioned between these specific gene symbols in text. The results are not restricted to any specific organism.
All interactions between genes that have these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results are restricted to specific organisms and synonyms are taken into account.
All interactions between families that contain genes with these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results group interologs and regulogs together, and synonyms are taken into account for each gene in the gene family.
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