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Ensembl family: 411 GAP1

Consensus name: GAP1
Search interactions for this family


Entrez ID Symbol Ensembl ID Locus tag Organism
850333 AGP1 YCL025C Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c
850665 MMP1 YLL061W Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c
851616 BAP3 YDR046C Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c
852121 GNP1 YDR508C Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c
852360 BAP2 YBR068C Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c
852361 TAT1 YBR069C Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c
853104 HIP1 YGR191W Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c
853912 GAP1 YKR039W Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c
854139 TAT2 YOL020W Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c
855854 SAM3 YPL274W Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c
2540163 aap1 SPBC1652.02 Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h-
2540779 meu22 SPBC19F8.06c Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h-
2540923 SPBC359.01 Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h-
2541042 SPBC359.03c Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h-
2541403 SPBPB2B2.01 Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h-
2541596 SPAP7G5.06 Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h-
2543028 isp5 SPAC1039.09 Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h-
2674365 MGG_00289 Magnaporthe oryzae 70-15
2868084 AN9174.2 Aspergillus nidulans FGSC A4
2868662 AN8556.2 Aspergillus nidulans FGSC A4
2869095 AN7916.2 Aspergillus nidulans FGSC A4
2871969 AN5678.2 Aspergillus nidulans FGSC A4
2872406 AN4604.2 Aspergillus nidulans FGSC A4
2875211 AN2074.2 Aspergillus nidulans FGSC A4
2875564 AN1659.2 Aspergillus nidulans FGSC A4
2886565 CAGL0B03773g Candida glabrata CBS 138
2886687 CAGL0B01012g Candida glabrata CBS 138
2887249 CAGL0D02178g Candida glabrata CBS 138
2888665 CAGL0H08393g Candida glabrata CBS 138
2890469 CAGL0K05753g Candida glabrata CBS 138
2890725 CAGL0L03267g Candida glabrata CBS 138
2890994 CAGL0L07546g Candida glabrata CBS 138
2892234 KLLA0C01606g Kluyveromyces lactis NRRL Y-1140
2895856 KLLA0F01012g Kluyveromyces lactis NRRL Y-1140
2896475 KLLA0A06930g Kluyveromyces lactis NRRL Y-1140
2896520 KLLA0A06886g Kluyveromyces lactis NRRL Y-1140
2896623 KLLA0A10813g Kluyveromyces lactis NRRL Y-1140
2896715 KLLA0A11770g Kluyveromyces lactis NRRL Y-1140
2896885 KLLA0B06776g Kluyveromyces lactis NRRL Y-1140
2900024 DEHA2C12056g Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767
2900252 DEHA2C07194g Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767
2901347 DEHA2D10164g Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767
2901839 DEHA2E10076g Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767
2902986 DEHA2E11308g Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767
2904639 DEHA2G04994g Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767
2904728 DEHA2G06930g Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767
2904741 DEHA2G07216g Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767
2905447 DEHA2G21934g Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767
2907126 YALI0B19800g Yarrowia lipolytica CLIB122
2907272 YALI0B19492g Yarrowia lipolytica CLIB122
2907446 YALI0B16522g Yarrowia lipolytica CLIB122
2908302 YALI0F19866g Yarrowia lipolytica CLIB122
2909447 YALI0C09889g Yarrowia lipolytica CLIB122
2910090 YALI0C17237g Yarrowia lipolytica CLIB122
2912591 YALI0E10219g Yarrowia lipolytica CLIB122
3504469 AFUA_8G00800 Aspergillus fumigatus Af293
3505448 AFUA_5G00370 Aspergillus fumigatus Af293
3506527 AFUA_7G04290 Aspergillus fumigatus Af293
3628392 UM00343.1 Ustilago maydis 521
3636114 HIP1 CaO19.12406 Candida albicans SC5314
3637687 GAP1 CaO19.11780 Candida albicans SC5314
3639027 GNP3 CaO19.7565 Candida albicans SC5314
3639028 GNP2 CaO19.7566 Candida albicans SC5314
3643634 GAP21 CaO19.10706 Candida albicans SC5314
3643662 GAP13 CaO19.6993 Candida albicans SC5314
3643761 GAP21 CaO19.3195 Candida albicans SC5314
3644463 GAP31 CaO19.4456 Candida albicans SC5314
3645933 GNP1 CaO19.8784 Candida albicans SC5314
3646943 GAP12 CaO19.9365 Candida albicans SC5314
3646954 GAP12 CaO19.1799 Candida albicans SC5314
3646968 GAP22 CaO19.6659 Candida albicans SC5314
3647397 GAP32 CaO19.2810 Candida albicans SC5314
3871958 NCU03509 Neurospora crassa OR74A
3876237 NCU05830 Neurospora crassa OR74A
3880427 NCU10262 Neurospora crassa OR74A
4315535 ATEG_01114 Aspergillus terreus NIH2624
4319998 ATEG_04310 Aspergillus terreus NIH2624
4321113 ATEG_05296 Aspergillus terreus NIH2624
4323208 ATEG_08611 Aspergillus terreus NIH2624
4387526 CHGG_01558 Chaetomium globosum CBS 148.51
4394527 CHGG_08064 Chaetomium globosum CBS 148.51
4396171 CHGG_10044 Chaetomium globosum CBS 148.51
4587986 NFIA_025260 Neosartorya fischeri NRRL 181
4588588 NFIA_094260 Neosartorya fischeri NRRL 181
4619959 AGOS_ADL272W Ashbya gossypii ATCC 10895
4621028 AGOS_AEL030W Ashbya gossypii ATCC 10895
4621476 AGOS_AER405C Ashbya gossypii ATCC 10895
4622040 AGOS_AFR230C Ashbya gossypii ATCC 10895
4622535 AGOS_AFR698C Ashbya gossypii ATCC 10895
4623003 AGOS_AGR038C Ashbya gossypii ATCC 10895
4623004 AGOS_AGR039C Ashbya gossypii ATCC 10895
4623005 AGOS_AGR040C Ashbya gossypii ATCC 10895
4623288 AGOS_AGR319W Ashbya gossypii ATCC 10895
4705702 ACLA_005990 Aspergillus clavatus NRRL 1
4836649 GAP1.8 PICST_11039 Scheffersomyces stipitis CBS 6054
4836713 GAP1.3 PICST_81453 Scheffersomyces stipitis CBS 6054
4836951 GAP1.7 PICST_41966 Scheffersomyces stipitis CBS 6054
4839079 GAP1.5 PICST_67826 Scheffersomyces stipitis CBS 6054
4839454 GAP1.1 PICST_32180 Scheffersomyces stipitis CBS 6054
4839582 GNP2 PICST_89811 Scheffersomyces stipitis CBS 6054
4840333 GAP1.6 PICST_78721 Scheffersomyces stipitis CBS 6054
4840622 GAP1.4 PICST_37009 Scheffersomyces stipitis CBS 6054
4850933 GAP1.2 PICST_68755 Scheffersomyces stipitis CBS 6054
4851529 GNP1 PICST_28779 Scheffersomyces stipitis CBS 6054
4851843 HIP1 PICST_29107 Scheffersomyces stipitis CBS 6054
4986533 ANI_1_118114 Aspergillus niger CBS 513.88
4986651 ANI_1_676114 Aspergillus niger CBS 513.88
4988816 ANI_1_1708144 Aspergillus niger CBS 513.88
5123960 PGUG_05891 Meyerozyma guilliermondii ATCC 6260
5124012 PGUG_05374 Meyerozyma guilliermondii ATCC 6260
5124298 PGUG_05413 Meyerozyma guilliermondii ATCC 6260
5124905 PGUG_05164 Meyerozyma guilliermondii ATCC 6260
5125896 PGUG_03595 Meyerozyma guilliermondii ATCC 6260
5126058 PGUG_03401 Meyerozyma guilliermondii ATCC 6260
5126881 PGUG_02845 Meyerozyma guilliermondii ATCC 6260
5127051 PGUG_02946 Meyerozyma guilliermondii ATCC 6260
5127367 PGUG_02857 Meyerozyma guilliermondii ATCC 6260
5127852 PGUG_02195 Meyerozyma guilliermondii ATCC 6260
5230601 LELG_05299 Lodderomyces elongisporus NRRL YB-4239
5230607 LELG_05297 Lodderomyces elongisporus NRRL YB-4239
5231055 LELG_04644 Lodderomyces elongisporus NRRL YB-4239
5231932 LELG_03757 Lodderomyces elongisporus NRRL YB-4239
5232008 LELG_03932 Lodderomyces elongisporus NRRL YB-4239
5232083 LELG_03756 Lodderomyces elongisporus NRRL YB-4239
5234386 LELG_02247 Lodderomyces elongisporus NRRL YB-4239
5234505 LELG_02015 Lodderomyces elongisporus NRRL YB-4239
5235141 LELG_00873 Lodderomyces elongisporus NRRL YB-4239
5235309 LELG_00302 Lodderomyces elongisporus NRRL YB-4239
5427012 BC1G_14274 Botryotinia fuckeliana B05.10
5437798 BC1G_04516 Botryotinia fuckeliana B05.10
5440644 BC1G_01570 Botryotinia fuckeliana B05.10
5441958 BC1G_00395 Botryotinia fuckeliana B05.10
5445642 HCAG_06385 Ajellomyces capsulatus NAm1
5447550 HCAG_03308 Ajellomyces capsulatus NAm1
5482141 SS1G_13114 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 1980 UF-70
5484860 SS1G_10461 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 1980 UF-70
5489269 SS1G_05757 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 1980 UF-70
5490513 SS1G_04514 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 1980 UF-70
5544823 Kpol_1052p14 Vanderwaltozyma polyspora DSM 70294
5544824 Kpol_1052p16 Vanderwaltozyma polyspora DSM 70294
5545212 Kpol_1065p13 Vanderwaltozyma polyspora DSM 70294
5545765 Kpol_534p22 Vanderwaltozyma polyspora DSM 70294
5546172 Kpol_1010p32 Vanderwaltozyma polyspora DSM 70294
5546526 Kpol_543p78 Vanderwaltozyma polyspora DSM 70294
5546527 Kpol_543p79 Vanderwaltozyma polyspora DSM 70294
5547454 Kpol_2000p92 Vanderwaltozyma polyspora DSM 70294
5856288 MGL_1251 Malassezia globosa CBS 7966
5856289 MGL_1252 Malassezia globosa CBS 7966
5856290 MGL_1253 Malassezia globosa CBS 7966
5856291 MGL_1254 Malassezia globosa CBS 7966
5970959 SNOG_03538 Phaeosphaeria nodorum SN15
5970967 SNOG_03546 Phaeosphaeria nodorum SN15
5989173 AOR_1_214174 Aspergillus oryzae RIB40
5999673 AOR_1_942024 Aspergillus oryzae RIB40
5999865 AOR_1_102024 Aspergillus oryzae RIB40
6006838 CC1G_02032 Coprinopsis cinerea okayama7#130
6011749 CC1G_07764 Coprinopsis cinerea okayama7#130
6086280 LACBIDRAFT_296817 Laccaria bicolor S238N-H82
6188376 PODANSg1208 Podospora anserina S mat+
6192115 PODANSg4902 Podospora anserina S mat+
6194027 PODANSg6402 Podospora anserina S mat+
6197340 PODANSg09986 Podospora anserina S mat+
6341097 PTRG_02873 Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Pt-1C-BFP
6347017 PTRG_08731 Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Pt-1C-BFP
7023689 PMAA_065470 Penicillium marneffei ATCC 18224
7024048 PMAA_069120 Penicillium marneffei ATCC 18224
7027052 PMAA_099380 Penicillium marneffei ATCC 18224
7027414 PMAA_050820 Penicillium marneffei ATCC 18224
7049712 SJAG_00149 Schizosaccharomyces japonicus yFS275
7049798 SJAG_04637 Schizosaccharomyces japonicus yFS275
7049980 SJAG_01994 Schizosaccharomyces japonicus yFS275
7049984 SJAG_01998 Schizosaccharomyces japonicus yFS275
7050335 SJAG_04903 Schizosaccharomyces japonicus yFS275
7050467 SJAG_03827 Schizosaccharomyces japonicus yFS275
7050469 SJAG_03829 Schizosaccharomyces japonicus yFS275
7051723 SJAG_02946 Schizosaccharomyces japonicus yFS275
7051724 SJAG_02947 Schizosaccharomyces japonicus yFS275
7052079 SJAG_02150 Schizosaccharomyces japonicus yFS275
7915209 AFLA_073560 Aspergillus flavus NRRL3357
7915578 AFLA_052980 Aspergillus flavus NRRL3357
7918053 AFLA_116390 Aspergillus flavus NRRL3357
7918524 AFLA_008940 Aspergillus flavus NRRL3357
7921393 AFLA_132760 Aspergillus flavus NRRL3357
7922180 AFLA_120430 Aspergillus flavus NRRL3357
7922971 MPER_12833 Moniliophthora perniciosa FA553
7928965 MPER_08341 Moniliophthora perniciosa FA553
7930211 MPER_06427 Moniliophthora perniciosa FA553
8044865 CD36_06660 Candida dubliniensis CD36
8045411 CD36_12200 Candida dubliniensis CD36
8047114 CD36_85550 Candida dubliniensis CD36
8047313 CD36_83940 Candida dubliniensis CD36
8047537 CD36_45090 Candida dubliniensis CD36
8048037 CD36_51530 Candida dubliniensis CD36
8048437 CD36_52570 Candida dubliniensis CD36
8048497 CD36_53250 Candida dubliniensis CD36
8048713 CD36_60280 Candida dubliniensis CD36
8049488 CD36_35010 Candida dubliniensis CD36
8049489 CD36_35020 Candida dubliniensis CD36
8098480 TSTA_022140 Talaromyces stipitatus ATCC 10500
8104899 TSTA_089320 Talaromyces stipitatus ATCC 10500
8106673 TSTA_073770 Talaromyces stipitatus ATCC 10500
8196706 PAS_chr1-1_0203 Komagataella pastoris GS115
8197066 PAS_chr1-4_0479 Komagataella pastoris GS115
8197547 PAS_chr1-1_0030 Komagataella pastoris GS115
8203846 ZYRO0D03762g Zygosaccharomyces rouxii CBS 732
8204480 ZYRO0D17952g Zygosaccharomyces rouxii CBS 732
8205733 ZYRO0F17446g Zygosaccharomyces rouxii CBS 732
8206337 ZYRO0G12342g Zygosaccharomyces rouxii CBS 732
8290708 KLTH0B02046g Lachancea thermotolerans CBS 6340
8291317 KLTH0C05170g Lachancea thermotolerans CBS 6340
8291446 KLTH0C08052g Lachancea thermotolerans CBS 6340
8292331 KLTH0E15642g Lachancea thermotolerans CBS 6340
8292470 KLTH0F01584g Lachancea thermotolerans CBS 6340
8292471 KLTH0F01606g Lachancea thermotolerans CBS 6340
8294799 KLTH0H13398g Lachancea thermotolerans CBS 6340
8295813 CTRG_03965 Candida tropicalis MYA-3404
8297445 CTRG_03589 Candida tropicalis MYA-3404
8297922 CTRG_03867 Candida tropicalis MYA-3404
8298487 CTRG_03002 Candida tropicalis MYA-3404
8299010 CTRG_00458 Candida tropicalis MYA-3404
8299624 CTRG_05303 Candida tropicalis MYA-3404
8300064 CTRG_06203 Candida tropicalis MYA-3404
8300221 CTRG_05872 Candida tropicalis MYA-3404
8300647 CTRG_05513 Candida tropicalis MYA-3404
8300683 CTRG_05549 Candida tropicalis MYA-3404
8301582 CTRG_06235 Candida tropicalis MYA-3404
8307918 Pc20g06640 Penicillium chrysogenum Wisconsin 54-1255
8308815 Pc20g14880 Penicillium chrysogenum Wisconsin 54-1255
8311113 Gap1 Pc21g04450 Penicillium chrysogenum Wisconsin 54-1255
8438967 UREG_06061 Uncinocarpus reesii 1704
8442215 UREG_06346 Uncinocarpus reesii 1704
8442287 UREG_07760 Uncinocarpus reesii 1704
8443516 UREG_02900 Uncinocarpus reesii 1704
8444431 UREG_00833 Uncinocarpus reesii 1704
8495632 CLUG_05155 Clavispora lusitaniae ATCC 42720
8496425 CLUG_04139 Clavispora lusitaniae ATCC 42720
8496504 CLUG_04499 Clavispora lusitaniae ATCC 42720
8496625 CLUG_04087 Clavispora lusitaniae ATCC 42720
8497343 CLUG_03405 Clavispora lusitaniae ATCC 42720
8499855 CLUG_00352 Clavispora lusitaniae ATCC 42720
8500362 CLUG_00762 Clavispora lusitaniae ATCC 42720
8500363 CLUG_00763 Clavispora lusitaniae ATCC 42720
8502110 BDBG_08000 Ajellomyces dermatitidis SLH14081
8505307 BDBG_03965 Ajellomyces dermatitidis SLH14081
8998083 DEHA2A00748g Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767
8998753 DEHA2E14630g Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767
9092268 PAAG_09034 Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Pb01
9095052 PAAG_06065 Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Pb01
9183804 GSTUM_00001488001 Tuber melanosporum Mel28
9184925 GSTUM_00001333001 Tuber melanosporum Mel28
9223292 MCYG_00024 Arthroderma otae CBS 113480
9224606 MCYG_05469 Arthroderma otae CBS 113480
9227377 MCYG_08063 Arthroderma otae CBS 113480
9227960 MCYG_07316 Arthroderma otae CBS 113480
9520302 ARB_07326 Arthroderma benhamiae CBS 112371
9522289 ARB_04082 Arthroderma benhamiae CBS 112371
9522769 ARB_00942 Arthroderma benhamiae CBS 112371
9523376 ARB_02159 Arthroderma benhamiae CBS 112371
9528229 VDBG_09017 Verticillium albo-atrum VaMs.102
9528750 VDBG_10100 Verticillium albo-atrum VaMs.102
9534558 VDBG_08960 Verticillium albo-atrum VaMs.102
9534682 VDBG_06024 Verticillium albo-atrum VaMs.102
9535116 VDBG_04262 Verticillium albo-atrum VaMs.102
9577967 TRV_04769 Trichophyton verrucosum HKI 0517
9579483 TRV_01481 Trichophyton verrucosum HKI 0517
9579594 TRV_07770 Trichophyton verrucosum HKI 0517
9580579 TRV_00745 Trichophyton verrucosum HKI 0517
9582472 TRV_02056 Trichophyton verrucosum HKI 0517
9593540 SCHCODRAFT_70745 Schizophyllum commune H4-8
9665237 NECHADRAFT_51443 Nectria haematococca mpVI 77-13-4
9665515 NECHADRAFT_46621 Nectria haematococca mpVI 77-13-4
9667534 NECHADRAFT_63227 Nectria haematococca mpVI 77-13-4
9669524 NECHADRAFT_51989 Nectria haematococca mpVI 77-13-4
9669955 NECHADRAFT_42273 Nectria haematococca mpVI 77-13-4
9671948 NECHADRAFT_39829 Nectria haematococca mpVI 77-13-4
9671949 NECHADRAFT_104321 Nectria haematococca mpVI 77-13-4
9675626 NECHADRAFT_45958 Nectria haematococca mpVI 77-13-4
9676871 NECHADRAFT_65607 Nectria haematococca mpVI 77-13-4
9678727 NECHADRAFT_55784 Nectria haematococca mpVI 77-13-4
9691691 CPC735_054460 Coccidioides posadasii C735 delta SOWgp
9693066 CPC735_065380 Coccidioides posadasii C735 delta SOWgp
9693585 CPC735_044010 Coccidioides posadasii C735 delta SOWgp
9694530 CPC735_010810 Coccidioides posadasii C735 delta SOWgp
9697442 CPC735_011200 Coccidioides posadasii C735 delta SOWgp
10026450 MGYG_07199 Arthroderma gypseum CBS 118893
10027241 MGYG_06524 Arthroderma gypseum CBS 118893
10027493 MGYG_04814 Arthroderma gypseum CBS 118893
10028203 MGYG_05511 Arthroderma gypseum CBS 118893
10371091 TERG_08129 Trichophyton rubrum CBS 118892
10373447 TERG_01714 Trichophyton rubrum CBS 118892
10373949 TERG_06649 Trichophyton rubrum CBS 118892
10379065 TERG_02400 Trichophyton rubrum CBS 118892
10513227 PTT_12646 Pyrenophora teres f. teres 0-1
10516550 PTT_17134 Pyrenophora teres f. teres 0-1
10801977 SMAC_07244 Sordaria macrospora k-hell
10804964 SMAC_04837 Sordaria macrospora k-hell
10809023 SMAC_07624 Sordaria macrospora k-hell
11468426 Ecym_2663 Eremothecium cymbalariae DBVPG#7215
11468452 Ecym_2716 Eremothecium cymbalariae DBVPG#7215
11470247 Ecym_4758 Eremothecium cymbalariae DBVPG#7215
11470769 Ecym_2664 Eremothecium cymbalariae DBVPG#7215
11471328 Ecym_1056 Eremothecium cymbalariae DBVPG#7215
11471679 Ecym_4789 Eremothecium cymbalariae DBVPG#7215
11471970 Ecym_2662 Eremothecium cymbalariae DBVPG#7215
11472157 Ecym_6021 Eremothecium cymbalariae DBVPG#7215
11472738 Ecym_8297 Eremothecium cymbalariae DBVPG#7215
11493725 NDAI0A07490 NDAI_0A07490 Naumovozyma dairenensis CBS 421
11493887 NDAI0A07500 NDAI_0A07500 Naumovozyma dairenensis CBS 421
11494572 NDAI0A00640 NDAI_0A00640 Naumovozyma dairenensis CBS 421
11494829 NDAI0D02160 NDAI_0D02160 Naumovozyma dairenensis CBS 421
11495324 NDAI0A05620 NDAI_0A05620 Naumovozyma dairenensis CBS 421
11495688 NDAI0G03780 NDAI_0G03780 Naumovozyma dairenensis CBS 421
11496330 NDAI0C02950 NDAI_0C02950 Naumovozyma dairenensis CBS 421
11497077 NDAI0F04210 NDAI_0F04210 Naumovozyma dairenensis CBS 421
11497095 NDAI0F04390 NDAI_0F04390 Naumovozyma dairenensis CBS 421
11497644 NDAI0B05220 NDAI_0B05220 Naumovozyma dairenensis CBS 421
11500317 TDEL0C00930 TDEL_0C00930 Torulaspora delbrueckii
11501012 TDEL0E05700 TDEL_0E05700 Torulaspora delbrueckii
11501732 TDEL0H04510 TDEL_0H04510 Torulaspora delbrueckii
11501957 TDEL0C06510 TDEL_0C06510 Torulaspora delbrueckii
11502011 TDEL0C00100 TDEL_0C00100 Torulaspora delbrueckii
11503296 TDEL0B00130 TDEL_0B00130 Torulaspora delbrueckii
11503661 TDEL0E00250 TDEL_0E00250 Torulaspora delbrueckii
11506874 MYCTH_2308145 Myceliophthora thermophila ATCC 42464
11506972 MYCTH_2316511 Myceliophthora thermophila ATCC 42464
11508795 MYCTH_2055845 Myceliophthora thermophila ATCC 42464
11518846 THITE_2117842 Thielavia terrestris NRRL 8126
11522801 THITE_2121684 Thielavia terrestris NRRL 8126
11523210 THITE_2123475 Thielavia terrestris NRRL 8126
11524087 THITE_113895 Thielavia terrestris NRRL 8126
11524829 NCAS0B08580 NCAS_0B08580 Naumovozyma castellii CBS 4309
11524935 NCAS0B07900 NCAS_0B07900 Naumovozyma castellii CBS 4309
11525389 NCAS0I01520 NCAS_0I01520 Naumovozyma castellii CBS 4309
11525390 NCAS0I01530 NCAS_0I01530 Naumovozyma castellii CBS 4309
11526908 NCAS0A07110 NCAS_0A07110 Naumovozyma castellii CBS 4309
11526967 NCAS0A08920 NCAS_0A08920 Naumovozyma castellii CBS 4309
11527153 NCAS0E01810 NCAS_0E01810 Naumovozyma castellii CBS 4309
11529355 NCAS0A00420 NCAS_0A00420 Naumovozyma castellii CBS 4309
11529718 NCAS0A10680 NCAS_0A10680 Naumovozyma castellii CBS 4309
11529910 NCAS0D01870 NCAS_0D01870 Naumovozyma castellii CBS 4309
11531241 TPHA0E03660 TPHA_0E03660 Tetrapisispora phaffii CBS 4417
11531900 TPHA0M01200 TPHA_0M01200 Tetrapisispora phaffii CBS 4417
11532398 TPHA0A02500 TPHA_0A02500 Tetrapisispora phaffii CBS 4417
11532660 TPHA0A03960 TPHA_0A03960 Tetrapisispora phaffii CBS 4417
11532694 TPHA0A04700 TPHA_0A04700 Tetrapisispora phaffii CBS 4417
11532732 TPHA0A00240 TPHA_0A00240 Tetrapisispora phaffii CBS 4417
11534758 TPHA0B04750 TPHA_0B04750 Tetrapisispora phaffii CBS 4417
11534897 TPHA0B01090 TPHA_0B01090 Tetrapisispora phaffii CBS 4417
11535797 TPHA0G03770 TPHA_0G03770 Tetrapisispora phaffii CBS 4417
All interactions mentioned for the specific gene symbol in text. The results are not restricted to any specific organism.
All interactions for genes that have these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results are restricted to specific organisms and synonyms are taken into account.
All interactions for families that contain genes with these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results group interologs and regulogs together, and synonyms are taken into account for each gene in the gene family.
All interactions mentioned between these specific gene symbols in text. The results are not restricted to any specific organism.
All interactions between genes that have these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results are restricted to specific organisms and synonyms are taken into account.
All interactions between families that contain genes with these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results group interologs and regulogs together, and synonyms are taken into account for each gene in the gene family.
We recommend the latest versions of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers for the best visualization experience. Internet Explorer versions 9 and 10 have been tested as well and should show the visualization correctly. However, older Internet Explorer versions are not capable of showing the graphics format used in these visualizations.