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API v0.1 Documentation


Output Format



Search GGP IDs with keyword or Entrez Gene / Uniprot / GenBank ID. The ID can be used for further searches. The other families support Entrez Gene IDs directly if the family='entrez' parameter is used. However, this function can be used to map the Entrez Gene ID into a homologous family which allows expanding the search to similar genes found from other organisms.

Parameter Mandatory Value
term Yes string or id
family Yes {canonical, homologene, ensembl, egenomes, entrez}
searchType No {ggp, entrez, uniprot, genbank} Default: ggp. In canonical family only ggp is supported.

Example query: /api/v001/search_ggp/?term=mec1&family=canonical


Search GGPs that are interacting with the given GGP. fetch_direct_interactions provides detailed information about the interacting GGP pairs and should be used in conjunction with this function.

Parameter Mandatory Value
ggpId Yes id
family Yes {canonical, homologene, ensembl, egenomes, entrez}
type No {regulation, indirect_regulation, binding}
subType No {regulation, positive_regulation, negative_regulation}
direction No {forward, backward, both} Direction can be used for specifying the Cause-Theme relation of the GGPs. E.g. "GGP1 regulates GGP2" => type = regulation & direction = forward. Binding events are symmetric and direction is always 'both'. By default all choices are included.
rowStart No Numeric value. Default: 0
rowCount No Numeric value. Default: 10.
taxonomyFilter No Comma separated list of NCBI taxonomy IDs or organism names. Limits the result set to the given organisms.
negation No {1, 0} 1 -> only negated events, 0 -> only non-negated events, by default both are included.

Example query: /api/v001/fetch_direct_partners/?ggpId=3993&family=canonical&type=regulation&direction=forward


Search different interactions between 2 given GGPs.

Parameter Mandatory Value
ggpId1 Yes id
ggpId2 Yes id
family Yes {canonical, homologene, ensembl, egenomes, entrez}
type No {regulation, indirect_regulation, binding}
subType No {regulation, positive_regulation, negative_regulation}
direction No {forward, backward, both} Direction can be used for specifying the Cause-Theme relation of the GGPs. E.g. "GGP1 regulates GGP2" => type = regulation & direction = forward. Binding events are symmetric and direction is always 'both'. By default all choices are included.
rowStart No Numeric value. Default: 0
rowCount No Numeric value. Default: 10.
output No {simple, inline, full}. Default: full. Affects the output format. Full output contains a list of event elements.
taxonomyFilter No Comma separated list of NCBI taxonomy IDs or organism names. Limits the result set to the given organisms.
negation No {1, 0} 1 -> only negated events, 0 -> only non-negated events, by default both are included.

Example queries:



Search GGPs that have pairwise interactions with both of the given GGPs. This function is useful for searching the indirect links between the given GGPs.

Parameter Mandatory Value
ggpId1 Yes id
ggpId2 Yes id
family Yes {canonical, homologene, ensembl, egenomes, entrez}
type Yes {binding, regulators, regulatees} These types include implicit direction of the interaction. E.g. regulators => Search GGPs which regulate both of the given GGPs.
rowStart No Numeric value. Default: 0
rowCount No Numeric value. Default: 10.

Example query: /api/v001/fetch_common_partners/?ggpId1=3993&ggpId2=2883&family=canonical&type=binding


Search events for the given GGP. This is mainly useful for searching unary events, but can be used for regulation and binding events as well. However, this function does not search GGPs from nested interactions, i.e. it may not return all possible regulation interactions for the given GGPs.

Parameter Mandatory Value
ggpId Yes id
ggpId2 No id. Optional second GGP. Using this parameter will limit the search to events that contain both given GGPs, but does not specify the explicit pairwise interaction between the GGPs. Use fetch_direct_interactions or fetch_network for pairwise interactions.
family Yes {canonical, homologene, ensembl, egenomes, entrez}
type Yes {'regulations', 'regulation', 'positive_regulation', 'negative_regulation', 'binding', 'phosphorylation', 'localization', 'gene_expression', 'protein_catabolism', 'transcription', 'acetylation', 'methylation', 'hydroxylation', 'glycosylation', 'catalysis', 'dna_methylation', 'ubiquitination', 'dephosphorylation', 'dna_demethylation', 'phosphorylationepi', 'deglycosylation', 'deacetylation', 'deubiquitination', 'demethylation', 'dehydroxylation'} regulations is a special case which includes regulation, positive_regulation and negative_regulation
rowStart No Numeric value. Default: 0
rowCount No Numeric value. Default: 10.
output No {simple, inline, full}. Default: full. Affects the output format. Full output contains a list of event elements.
taxonomyFilter No Comma separated list of NCBI taxonomy IDs or organism names. Limits the result set to the given organisms.
negation No {1, 0} 1 -> only negated events, 0 -> only non-negated events, by default both are included.

Example query:


Search all pairwise interactions for an arbitrarily long list of Entrez Gene IDs. Query results contain a list of link elements.

Parameter Mandatory Value
ggpIdList Yes List of comma separated Entrez Gene IDs.
family Yes {homologene, ensembl, egenomes, entrez}
negation No {1, 0} 1 -> only negated events, 0 -> only non-negated events, by default both are included.
speculation No {1, 0} 1 -> only speculated events, 0 -> only non-speculated events, by default both are included.

Example query:


Search occurrences for the given generalized event ID. Other search functions limit the amount of occurrences shown, this function can be used for showing all occurrences of a single generalized event. rowCount and rowStart parameters affect the occurrences listed in contrast to other functions which iterate over generalized events. Query results contain one event element.

Parameter Mandatory Value
eventId Yes Generalized event ID.
family Yes {canonical, homologene, ensembl, egenomes, entrez}
rowStart No Numeric value. Default: 0
rowCount No Numeric value. Default: 10.
output No {simple, inline, full}. Default: full. Affects the output format.
taxonomyFilter No Comma separated list of NCBI taxonomy IDs or organism names. Limits the result set to the given organisms.

Example query:

Output Format

Each response contains a root element called queryresponse. The root element consists of queryinfo and queryresults elements. queryinfo stores meta data of the query, including used query parameters, result counts etc. queryresults element contains the actual result set. If the query is invalid, the queryresponse will include queryErrors element instead of the queryresult element. Each function description has an example query showing the full output format. The more complicated output elements are described below.


Field Type Description
id attribute Event ID in the given family.
averageConfidence attribute Average confidence of all occurrences.
description element Human-readable description of the event.
type element Type of the event. E.g. Positive_regulation.
pairwiseInteractions element List of pairwiseInteraction elements derived from this event.
occurrences element List of occurrence elements.


Field Type Description
source attribute Source archive of the document. E.g. "Pubmed Central"
sourceId attribute Source ID of the document.
confidence attribute Confidence value of the occurrence.
sentence element The sentence including the given event occurrence.
type element Event type.
trigger element Trigger word of the event. This element has it's own attributes, offsetBeg and offsetEnd.
ggps element List of argument ggp elements. Each ggp element has attributes role, offsetBeg, offsetEnd, id (ID of the family level ggp), consensusName
nestedOccurrences element List of occurrence elements nested in the given event. Each nested occurrence has the same fields as the root occurrence, excluding sentence element.


Field Type Description
source element Source ggp of the pairwise interaction. Contains id and consensusName elements
target element Target ggp of the pairwise interaction. Contains id and consensusName elements
type element Coarse type of the interaction.
direction element Direction of the interaction. E.g. "Forward" indicates that the source ggp is affecting the target ggp. Note that pairwiseInteractions list may contain the same interaction twice, for both directions.
Field Type Description
source element Entrez Gene ID of the source GGP.
sourceName element Name of the source GGP.
target element Entrez Gene ID of the target GGP.
targetName element Name of the target GGP.
coarseType element Coarse type of the interaction. E.g. Regulation
refinedType element More detailed type of the interaction. E.g. Regulation of binding.
coarsePolarity element Polarity of the root event. Positive, Negative or neutral.
refinedPolarity element Interpretation of the polarity of the whole chain of nested events.
event element ID of the event this pairwise interaction originates from.
direction element Direction of the interaction.
averageConfidence element Average confidence of all occurrences.
negation element 1 if the event appears in confirmative context, otherwise 0.
speculation element 1 if the event appears in speculative context, otherwise 0.
All interactions mentioned for the specific gene symbol in text. The results are not restricted to any specific organism.
All interactions for genes that have these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results are restricted to specific organisms and synonyms are taken into account.
All interactions for families that contain genes with these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results group interologs and regulogs together, and synonyms are taken into account for each gene in the gene family.
All interactions mentioned between these specific gene symbols in text. The results are not restricted to any specific organism.
All interactions between genes that have these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results are restricted to specific organisms and synonyms are taken into account.
All interactions between families that contain genes with these gene symbols as official name or synonym. The results group interologs and regulogs together, and synonyms are taken into account for each gene in the gene family.
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